Create a Formal Option in Existing Degree Program


A formal option is a variation of an academic program which meets objectives that may be more specifically focused (e.g., the Meat Science Option in the Animal Sciences, BS). A formal option will appear on a student’s transcript. Other variants such as “tracks”, “concentrations”, and “emphases” do not appear on transcripts. Creating a new formal option begins with Provost pre-approval. Following pre-approval and necessary committee and Provost approvals, the proposed option must also be reviewed by the Board of Trustees, and the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE). It typically takes 6-9 months for a new formal option to be created.

Before you Begin

Familiarize yourself with the university’s standards for program options.

Process Details

To create a new formal option in a degree program the originating academic unit should:

  1. Request Provost Approval to Commence Planning

    Submit to the Provost a request to commence planning for the new program option using the following template:

    1. Planning Request Memorandum

    The Provost reviews planning requests throughout the year.

  2. Submit Proposal into CIM

    Upon Provost approval to commence planning, the originating academic unit should input the proposed formal option into the Curriculum Inventory Management System (CIM) for review and approval by appropriate unit, college and university committees. A CIM training guide is available for assistance. Please attach the approved planning request memorandum to the CIM form.

    University committees (graduate and undergraduate) meet once a month and usually review all proposals received by the first of that month. The undergraduate committee does not meet in the summer months.

  3. Request Provost Approval and Board Review

    Upon university committee approval, submit to the Provost the following items to request Provost approval and Board of Trustees review:

    1. Approval Request Memorandum

    2. Approved Curriculum Model

    The Provost reviews approval requests throughout the year. However, the Board of Trustees meets only seven times per year.

  4. Request Alabama Commission on Higher Education Review

    Upon Board approval, work with the university’s ACHE Coordinator to prepare and submit the following item for the Alabama Commission on Higher Education:

    1. ACHE Form C

    The Commission meets four times per year.

Process Completion

After approvals, the Registrar will build the new formal option in Banner to ensure it is operable; this usually occurs within a month of final approval. Answers to common questions about the end of the creation process follow:

  • When will the new formal option appear in the Bulletin?

    The formal option will appear in the next Bulletin if it is created by the Registrar prior to May 1st.

  • When can the originating unit begin advertising the formal option?

    The originating unit can begin advertising the new formal option noting “Pending ACHE approval” after ACHE Form C is submitted to ACHE and ACHE sends a receipt. ACHE meets quarterly to consider new programs. After ACHE approval, the program can be advertised without the disclaimer.

  • When can the new formal option be awarded?

    In the semester that it is built by the Registrar.

Questions about process completion should be sent to the ACHE Coordinator.

Last updated: June 25, 2024