Acts of the Senate
August 2022 – June 2023

To view Acts of the Senate for previous years visit the Archives link at the sidebar.

June 13, 2023

Quorum 64 present

Vote on slate of nominees for Senate Committees; terms starting in August 2023.
Y-60, N-0, A-3

NTTF original proposal on Teaching Professorships

Amendment 1: A motion was made by Todd Steury (Sub-Senator, FWE) to amend the motion to approve of the NTTF Teaching Professorship proposal. The vote here is just on whether or not to accept the amendment and NOT a vote on the proposal. A separate vote will be held on the original proposal or the amended proposal, depending on the outcome of this vote.
Amendment 1 removes all references to "include one other component from service, outreach, research, or creative work." Link to proposed amendment 1.
Y-35, N-2, A-8

Amendment 2: was proposal by Todd Steury (Sub-Senator, FWE) to amend the motion to approve of the NTTF Teaching Professorship proposal. The vote here is only on whether or not to accept the Amendment-Section L. Originally stated 9 month to read (9 or 12 month). A separate vote will be held on the full proposal.
Link to proposed amendment 2.
Y-48, N-8, A-4

Amendment 3: Motion to amend made by Luca Guazzotto (S-Physics)and seconded by David Mixson (S-Outreach), to add/insert
"(3) could include other components from service, outreach, research, and/or creative work."
into the executive summary and Sections B, D and G.
Y-44, N-9, A-7

Approval of the final version of the NTTF Professorship Proposal-with results from amendments 1-3.
Y-39, N-14, A-7

May 16, 2023

Information Item with a vote– Ad hoc Audit Committee for Post-tenure Review
Vote on Motion to approve Ad Hoc recommendations – 58-Yes, 4-No, 4-abstain. Motion carries.

Vote on Rules Committee rotation/replacement nominees for next term rotations passes.

Proposed changes to the FHB, Concerns #1-6.

Concern 1) P&T Discussion Participants
The proposed change did not pass: 17-yes, 40-no, 4-abstain.
More discussion, it was motioned by Jennifer Lockhart (S- Philosophy) and seconded by Hans Werner Van Wyk, (S-Mathematics and Statics) to send back the concern to the handbook committee for further discussion and revision. The result of the motion vote: 46-yes, 7-no, 2-abstain.
The motion to send Concern 1 back to the Faculty Handbook Committee passes.

Concern 2) P&T Process- Letters that Arrive after Departmental Consideration. Vote was 39-yes, 13-no, 3-abstain. Concern 2 passes.

Concern 3) P&T Comparison Statement Removal. Vote was 40-yes, 6–no, 7-abstain, Concern 3 passes.

Concern 4) P&T Consideration of Language to Ensure Clear and Consistent Approaches across Departments for Evaluating Faculty Who Have Taken a Tenure Clock Extension: Standard Biographical Data Sheet.
Vote was 47-yes, 3-no, 1-abstain. Concern 4 passes.

Concern 5) P&T Consideration of Language to Ensure Clear and Consistent Approaches across Departments for Evaluating Faculty Who Have Taken a Tenure Clock Extension: Impact of Extensions on Candidate Evaluation. Vote was 49-yes, 2-no, 2-abstain. Concern 5 passes.

Concern 6) P&T Consideration of Language to Ensure Clear and Consistent Approaches across Departments for Evaluating Faculty Who Have Taken a Tenure Clock Extension: Outside Letter Request Language.
Vote was 49-yes, 1-no, 6-abstain. Concern 6 passes.

April 18,  2023

Vote on Rules Committee rotation/replacement nominees passes for next AY rotations passes.

Result of votes on Changes to FHB proposed in March Senate meeting. These were voted individually as concerns 1–4.

Concern 2: re: FHB Guidelines v Policy did not pass [Y=12, N=46, A=5]

Concern 1: re: Retention Committee – passed [Y=61, N=3, A=2]
Concern 3: re: Incorporating Guidlines into FHB as Policy: P&T Committees – passed [Y=42, N=15, A=11]
Concern 4: re: Incorporating Guidelines into FHB as Policy: Administrator Hiring Guidelines – passed [Y=35, N=15, A=13]

March 14, 2023

Vote on Rules Committee rotation nominees passes, the announced Senators for Rules Committee 2-year term members are: Dr. Dhanasekaren, Dr. Pendola, and Dr. Plexico.

February 21, 2023

Vote to replace the vacancy on Rules Committee left by Ken Macklin passed with Anthony Moss receiving 52% of the 46 votes.

January 24, 2023

Vote on the Motion to Form an Ad Hoc Committee to Develop Proposal for Rank Above Professor passed.

November 15, 2022

Senate Committee replacements were approved.

Vote on Fall 2023 calendar to change start date from August 21 to August 16 and remove one day of fall break passed.

October 18, 2022

Vote on motion regarding new background check policy--The results were 58 responses, with 22 yes, 29 no, and seven abstaining. Therefore the Motion was not carried.

September 20, 2022

Vote to continue Senate meeting on Zoom passes [54 yes, 4 no, 2 abstain].

August 30, 2022

No actions.

Last Updated: June 27, 2023

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