C. Harry Knowles - Physical Science

C. Harry Knowles - Physical Science: Christopher Easley 

This endowed chair was created to recognize and reward an outstanding professor for his/her leadership role in mentoring Auburn students in filling the gap in our nation's cadre of teachers of physical science.  The holder must be a member of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, the Department of Geosciences or the Department of Physics and must have a commitment to research in physical science teaching and presentation, engaging learning techniques (including technology assisted) and outcomes assessment involving the instructional system as a whole, including students, tools, teachers, course materials, formal and informal learning environments, and the interactions among these components both at the college level and through interactions with the College's K-12 Outreach division, representing the continuum of physical sciences instruction.  The recipient must show ongoing scholarly activity in physical science learning and instruction by means of published peer reviewed papers in professional literature, successful proposal writing, invited presentations and service on national/international panels and organizations.