Department of Biological Sciences
Associate Professor
Office: 348 Funchess Hall
101 Life Sciences Bldg.
Auburn University, AL 36849
Fax: (334) 844-1645
Email: mjb0100@auburn.edu
Ballen, C.J., S.M. Aguillon, R. Brunelli, A.G.Drake, D. Wassenburg, S.L. Weiss, K.R. Zamudio, S. Cotner. 2018. Do small classes reduce performance gaps in STEM? Bioscience. (in press).
Ballen, C.J., K.R. Zamudio. 2018. Active learning reduces misconceptions about evolution and promotes inclusivity in large classrooms. In Golding, J., K. Kern, and C. Rawn (Eds.), Strategies for Teaching Large Classes Effectively in Higher Education. Cognella Publishing.
Ballen, C.J., S.T. Thompson, J.E. Blum, N.P. Newstrom, S. Cotner. 2018. Discovery and broad relevance may be insignificant components of course-based undergraduate research experiences for non-biology majors. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education. 19:1-9.
Sullivan, L.L.*, J. Ballen*, S. Cotner. 2018. Small group gender ratios in active learning courses impact performance and peer evaluations. PLoS One. 13:e0195129.*Authors contributed equally to this work
Ballen, C.J., H. W. Greene. 2017. Walking and talking the tree of life: Why and how to teach about biodiversity. PLoS Biology. 15:e2001630.
Ballen, C.J., C. Wieman, S. Salehi, J. Searle, K.R. Zamudio. 2017. Enhancing diversity in undergraduate science: Self-efficacy drives performance gains with active learning. CBE-Life Sciences Education. 16:ar56.
Ballen, C.J., N.A. Mason. 2017. Longitudinal analysis of a diversity support program in biology: a national call for further assessment. Bioscience 67:367-373.
Cotner, S., J. Ballen. 2017. Can mixed assessment methods make biology classes more equitable? PLoS One. 12:e0189610.
Ballen, C.J., J. Blum, S. Brownell, S. Hebert, J. Hewlett, J. Klein, E. McDonald, D. Monti, S. Nold, K. Slemmons, P. Soneral, S. Cotner. 2017. A call to develop course-based undergraduate research experiences (CUREs) for nonmajor courses. CBE-Life Sciences Education. 16:mr2.
Cotner, S., J. Ballen, C.D. Brooks, R. Moore. 2011. Instructor gender and student confidence in the sciences: a need for more role models? Journal of College Science Teaching. 40:96-101.
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Last updated: 08/12/2023