Wendy R. Hood
Department of Biological Sciences

Office: 315 Rouse Life Sciences Bldg.

Lab: 308 Funchess Hall

Address: 101 Rouse Life Sciences Bldg.
Auburn University, AL 36849

Phone: (334) 844-7437

Lab Phone: (334) 844-7615

Fax: (334) 844-1645

Email: wrhood@auburn.edu


Ph.D. - Boston University
M.A. - Boston University
B.A. - University of California, Santa Cruz

Research and Teaching Interests

Research in the Hood lab is focuses on understanding the interactions between nutrition, physiology, and individual variation in performance. Within this context we focus on 3 areas: 1) reproductive performance and life history tradeoffs, 2) maternal effects and offspring performance, and 3) milk composition and the impact of lactation on human health.

Dr. Hood teaches Comparative Anatomy and a grad course on current topics in the physiological ecology of reproduction.

Selected Publications

Hood lab graduate students indicated by a G superscript and undergraduates indicated by a U superscript. 

  1. Hood, WR and M HobensackU. 2015. The Effect of Locomotion on the Mobilization of Minerals from the Maternal Skeleton. PLoS One 10:e0122702. 

  2. Mateos-Gonzalez F, WR Hood and GE Hill.  2014. Carotenoid coloration predicts escape performance in the House Finch. Auk 131:275-281 

  3. Hood, WR, DS Kessler, OT Oftedal.  2014. Milk composition and lactation strategy of a eusocial mammal, the naked mole-rat.  Journal of Zoology 293:108–118 

  4. Skibiel ALG, JR Speakman, and WR Hood. 2013. Testing the prediction of energy allocation decisions in the evolution of life history tradeoffs. Functional Ecology 27:1382–1391. 

  5. Hill GE, Fu X, Balenger S, McGraw KJ, Giraudeau M, and WR Hood. 2013. Changes in Concentrations of Circulating Heat Shock Proteins in Wild Songbirds in Response to Distinct Environmental Stressors. Journal of Field Ornithology 84:416-424 . 

  6. Schmidt CMG and WR Hood. 2014. Bone loss is a physiological cost of reproduction in white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Mammalian Biology 79:96–100. 

  7. Skibiel ALG, LM DowningU, TJ Orr, and WR Hood. 2013. The evolution of the nutrient composition of mammalian milks. Journal of Animal Ecology 82:1254-1264. 

  8. Skibiel ALG and WR Hood. 2013. Milk Composition in a Hibernating Rodent; the Columbian Ground Squirrel (Urocitellus columbianus). Journal of Mammalogy 94:146-154.

  9. Schmidt Booher CMG and WR Hood. 2012. Primary sex-ratio is influenced by calcium availability in white-footed mice. PLoS One 7:e41402. 

  10. Hood WR.  2012. A test of bone mobilization relative to reproductive demand: Skeletal quality is improved in cannibalistic females with large litters. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 85:385-396.

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Last updated: 08/12/2023