Sarit Dhar
Department of Physics
Andrew T. Hunt Endowed Professor

Research Areas: Experimental Condensed Matter Physics

Office: Leach Science Center 2109

Address: 380 Duncan Drive
Auburn, AL 36849

Phone: (334) 844-4755


Ph.D., Vanderbilt University
M.S., Indian Institute of Technology
B.S., Indian Institute of Technology

Professional Employment
Professor, Auburn University
2020 - Present
Associate Professor, Auburn University
Assistant Professor, Auburn University
2012 - 2015
Research Scientist, Cree Inc.
2008 - 2012
Research Associate, Vanderbilt University
2005 - 2008
Graduate Research Assistant, Vanderbilt University
2001 - 2005
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Vanderbilt University
2000 - 2001

Honors and Awards
Andrew T. Hunt Endowed Professor
2020 - current
Thomas and Jean Walter Associate Professor
American Physical Society’s 5 sigma physicist award for outstanding science advocacy

Professional Activities
Panel and Proposal Reviewer for DoE , NSF and other agencies.
Peer Reviewer for journals such as IEEE Electron Device Letters, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Solid State Electronics, Journal of Applied Physics, Applied Physics Letters, Semiconductor Science and Technology etc.
Technical Program Committee Member IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, 2024 and International Conference on Silicon Carbide and Related Materials 2019, 2022.
Physics instructor for the ‘Emory-Tibet science initiative’ to teach Tibetan Buddhist monks in Gaden Monastery, India (summer 2017, 2018).
Member of: American Physical Society, Materials Research Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Research and Teaching Interests

Our group investigates physics of semiconductor materials and device processing for their application to electronic devices. Specifically, we study electronic properties at interfaces between dielectric thin film formed on wide band gap Silicon Carbide for application to power transistors. We have a variety of thin film deposition (metal evaporation, sputtering, semiconductor thermal oxidation and chemical vapor deposition) semiconductor fabrication (lithography, etching etc.) and analysis tools (current-voltage, capacitance-voltage, Hall, scanning probe microscopy) available in our laboratories. We also use the 2 MeV ion accelerator available in our laboratory for a variety of projects related to radiation damage studies, implantation doping of materials and perform Rutherford Backscattering spectrometry analysis of thin film materials.

Selected Publications

  1. S. Das , H. Gu, L.Wang, A.C. Ahyi, L. C. Feldman, E. Garfunkel, M. A. Kuroda and S. Dhar, “Trap passivation of 4H-SiC/SiO2 interfaces by nitrogen annealing. Journal of Applied Physics, 133, 215701 (2023).

  1. A. Sardar, T. I.-Smith, J. Lawson, T. Asel, R.B. Comes, N. Merrett and S. Dhar, “ High conductivity beta-Ga2O3 formed by hot Si implantation”, Applied Physics Letters, 121, 262101 (2022).

  1. S. Das, A. C. Ahyi, M. A. Kuroda, and S. Dhar, “Study of Carrier Mobilities in 4H-SiC MOSFETS Using Hall Analysis”, MDPI open access, Materials 15(19), 6736 (2022).

  1. S. Das, T. Isaacs-Smith, A. Ahyi, M. A. Kuroda, and S. Dhar, “High temperature characteristics of nitric oxide annealed p-channel 4H-SiC metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors,” Journal of Applied Physics, 130, 225701 (2021).

  1. I. U. Jayawardhena, R. P. Ramamurthy, D. Morisette, A. C. Ahyi, R. Thorpe, M. A. Kuroda, L. C. Feldman and S. Dhar, “Effect of surface treatments on ALD Al2O3/4H-SiC metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors”, Journal of Applied Physics, 129, 075702 (2021).

  1. A. Jayawardena, R. P. Ramamurthy, A. C. Ahyi, D. Morisette and S. Dhar, “Interface trapping in β-Ga2O3 MOS capacitors with deposited dielectrics”, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 192108 (2018).

  1. Y. Zheng, T.-I. Smith, A. C. Ahyi and S. Dhar, “4H-SiC MOSFETs with boroslicate glass gate dielectric and anitimony counter-doping” IEEE Electron Device Letters, 38, 1433 (2017).

  1. A. M. Armstrong, M. H. Crawford, A. Jayawardena*, A.C. Ahyi, and S. Dhar, “Role of Self-trapped Holes in the Photoconductive Gain of b-Gallium Oxide Schottky Diodes”, Journal of Applied Physics, 119, 103102 (2016).

  1. J. Jiang#, M. A. Kuroda, A. C. Ahyi, T. Isaacs-smith, V. Mirkhani, M. Park, and S. Dhar “Chitosan Solid Electrolyte as Electric-Double-Layer in Multilayer MoS2 Transistor for Low-Voltage Operation”, Physica Status Solidi A, 212, 2101 (2015).

  1. G. Liu, B. R. Tuttle, and S. Dhar“Silicon carbide: A unique platform for metal-oxide-semiconductor physics” Applied Physics Reviews 2 021307 (2015).


Last updated: 09/13/2024