Michael Bozack
Department of Physics
Emeritus Professor
Department of Physics
Emeritus Professor
Research Areas: Experimental Surface Science
Office: Allison Labs #310
202 Allison Laboratory
Auburn, AL 36849-5319
Phone: (334) 844-4628
Email: bozack@physics.auburn.edu
Ph.D., Oregon Health and Science University
M.S., Michigan State University
B.S., Michigan State University
Professional Employment
Professor, Department of Physics, Auburn
2004 - present
Affiliate Member, Graduate Faculty, University of Alabama at Huntsville
2004 - present
Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Auburn University
1994 - 2004
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Auburn University
1989 - 1994
Adjunct Professor, Department of Applied Science and Electrical Engineering, Oregon Health and Science University
1987 - present
Chief Scientist, Intel Corporation
1988 - 1989
Postdoctoral Fellow, Surface Science Center, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburg
1987 - 1988
Dissertation Research, Department of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering, Oregon Health and Science University
1981 - 1985
Research Physicist, Electron Tektronix, Inc.
Honors and Awards
Best Paper of Conference Award and Featured Tribology and Lubrication Technology Magazine
Springer Thesis Selection for Erika Crandall Ph.D. thesis on tin whispering, awarded to the top 100 Ph.D. thesis worldwide
Best Paper in Session-"Isothermal Aging Effects on the Thermal Reliablity Performance of Lead-Free Solder Joints
Young Investigator Award for Erika Crandall (given to 10 outstanding doctoral students)
Best Conference Paper Award, Reduction of Lead-Free Solder Aging Effect Using Doped SAC Alloys
Highly Recommended Paper Award for "Thermal Cycling Reliability of Pb-Free Chip Resistor Solder Joints"
Nominee, Michigan State University Outstanding Alumni Award
Distinguished Alumni Award, Lansing Community College
Auburn University Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award
AU Outstanding Professor, Panhellenic Council
Fall 1998
Tenured, Auburn University
March 1994
Appointed, Graduate Faculty, Auburn University
June 1992
Professor of the Year, COSAM, Auburn University
Clark Fellowship, Oregon Graduate Institute (Top Institutional Ph.D. canidate)
Valedictorian, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary
Patents: US patent for "Enhanced-Wetting, Boron-Based Liquid-Metal Ion Source and Method" Patent Number 5,871,848
Feburary 1979
Silver Quill Award (Motorola Corporation) for paper "Materials Interactions in the Integration of PZT Ferroelectric Capacitors"
March 1994
Listed in: Who's Who in the South and Southeast, Dictionary of International Biography, Who's Who Among Young American Professionals, Who's Who of Emerging Leaders in America, Strathmore's Who's Who, Men of Achievement, 2000 Outstanding People of the 20th Century Semiconductor Research Corporation Faculty Source Book, Associate Member: Sigma XI Scientific Research Society
Professional Activities
American Vacuum Society
Materials Research Society
Alabama Academy of Sciences
American Associations of Physics Teacher
Research and Teaching Interests
The study of gas- and metal- surface reactions, semiconductor surface, thin films, ohmic and Schottky contact development, semiconductor processing technology, wide band gap electronics, liquid metal alloy wetting, and Pb-free solder technology, and tin whiskers. Current work focuses on the details of chemical reactions between liquid and solid surfaces. The focus is obtain a microscopic description of surface dynamic processes by exploring the kinetics of surface reactions and the nature of the surface chemical bond.
Selected Publications
- Z. Cai, J.C. Suhling, P. Lall, J.J. Bozack. "Mechanical Behavioer of LOw Silver Content SAC Alloys Optimized for Portable Electronics," (submitted, IEEE Trans, Components and Packaging Technologies).
- Y. Zhou, C. Ahyi, T.I. Smith, M.J. Bozack, C.C. Tin, J.R. Williams, M. Park. A. Cheng, J.H. Park, D.Kim, and
Last updated: 10/21/2021