Michael Gramlich
Department of Physics
Assistant Professor

Research Areas: Biophysics, Neuroscience, Microscopy

Office: Leach Science Center 3114

Address: 380 Duncan Drive
Auburn, AL 36849

Email: mwg0016@auburn.edu


University of Missouri - Columbia, Ph.D.
University of Missouri - Columbia, B.S.

Professional Employment
Auburn University, Department of Physics, Assistant Professor
Postdoctoral Researcher, Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Massachusetts - Amherst

Research and Teaching Interests

My lab focuses on the principles that regulate intracellular transport of neuronal resource sharing. First, how do resources, such as synaptic vesicles, navigate the complex road system that supports neurons? There are many road-blocks or defects that inhibit transport, and resources must navigate them quickly. Second, how are resources directed to synapses that need them? Synapses are activated when they communicate with other neurons, and need more resources than non-activated synapses. Third, how do synapses capture and utilize the resources they need? Resources travel quickly to synapses that need them, but must still be captured by synapses before use.

Selected Publications

1.      Recently recycled synaptic vesicles use multi-cytoskeletal transport and differential presynaptic capture probability to

   establish a retrograde net flux during ISVE in central neurons

          M. Parkes, N.L. Landers, M.W. Gramlich, Front. in Cell and Devel. Bio. 11: 1286915


2.      A kinesin-1 adaptor complex controls bimodal slow axonal transport of spectrin in Caenorhabditis elegans

         O Glomb, et. al., Developmental Cell 58:1847 - 1863.e12


3.       rTg (TauP301L) 4510 mice exhibit increased VGLUT1 in hippocampal presynaptic glutamatergic vesicles and increased

          extracellular glutamate release

          E Taipala, JC Pfitzer, M Hellums, MN Reed, MW Gramlich; Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 14: 925546 


4.       Myosin V regulates spatial localization of different forms of neurotransmitter release in central synapses

          D. Maschi, M.W. Gramlich, V.A. Klyachko; Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience 13:650334


5.       Distinguishing synaptic vesicle precursor navigation of microtubule ends with a single rate constant model  

          M. W. Gramlich*, S. Balseiro-Gómez, S. M. Ali Tabei, M. Parkes and S. Yogev; Scientific Reports 11:3444


6.       Myosin V functions as a vesicle tether at the plasma membrane to control neurotransmitter release in central synapses

          D Maschi, M Gramlich, V Klyachko, eLife 7, e39440


7.       Actin/Myosin-V- and Activity-Dependent Inter-synaptic Vesicle Exchange in Central Neurons

           MW Gramlich, VA Klyachko, Cell Reports 18 (9), 2096–2104


8.       Single molecule investigation of kinesin-1 motility using engineered microtubule defects

           MW Gramlich, L Conway, WH Liang, JA Labastide, SJ King, J Xu, JL Ross, Scientific Reports 7, 44290


9.       Activity-Dependence of Synaptic Vesicle Dynamics

          KVA Forte LA, Gramlich MW, J Neuroscience


10.       Fluorescence imaging of nanoscale domains in polymer blends using stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy

            (STORM); MW Gramlich, J Bae, RC Hayward, JL Ross, Optics express 22 (7), 8438-8450


11.       Modern methods to interrogate microtubule dynamics

          M Bailey, L Conway, MW Gramlich, TL Hawkins, JL Ross, Integrative Biology 5 (11), 1324-1333


12.       Critical Role of a Buried Interface in the Stranski-Krastanov Growth of Metallic Nanocrystals: Quantum Size Effects in

            Ag/Si (111)-(7× 7); Y Chen, MW Gramlich, ST Hayden, PF Miceli Physical review letters 114 (3), 035501


13.       Microtubule orientation and spacing within bundles is critical for long‐range kinesin‐1 motility

            L Conway, MW Gramlich, SM Ali Tabei, JL Ross, Cytoskeleton 71 (11), 595-610


Last updated: 07/11/2024