Evdokiya Kostadinova
Department of Physics
Assistant Professor

Research Areas: Plasma Physics

Office: Leach Science Center 3125

Address: 380 Duncan Dr.
Auburn, AL 36849

Phone: 334-844-4298

Email: egk0033@auburn.edu

Curriculum vitae

Ph.D. Physics, Baylor University
B.S. Physics, Furman University
B.A. Political Science, Furman University

Professional Employment
Assistant Professor, Auburn University
Assistant Research Professor, Baylor University
Graduate Research Assistant, Baylor University
Graduate Teaching Assistant, Baylor University

Professional Activities
Grant review referee for the National Science Foundation
Member of advisory board for Helivon Physics
Referee for CRC Press, Journal of Plasma Physics, IEEE Transactionson Plasma Science, Chaos, Physics of Plasmas

Research and Teaching Interests

My primary research interests lay along the intersections of fundamental physics and applied mathematics. Those include exotic transport behavior in disordered media, nonlocal interactions in correlated systems, self-organization and stability of dusty plasmas in gravity and microgravity, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of driven-dissipative systems, lunar dust mitigation, and dust particle techniques for plasma diagnostics. I have authored a book on the application of a novel spectral approach to transport problems in two-dimensional physical systems.

Specific projects I am currently working on include:

  1. The onset of turbulence in dusty plasma monolayers
  2. Particle transport in stochastic magnetic fields in tokamaks
  3. Material ablation in high heating environments
  4. Dust particles as tracers of plasma/gas dynamics

Selected Publications

E G Kostadinova, R Banka*, J L Padgett, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde, (2021). (2021). Fractional Laplacian spectral approach to turbulence in a dusty plasma monolayer. Physics of Plasmas, 28(7), 073705.

DM Orlov, M O Hanson*, J Escalera*, H Taheri*, C N Villareal*, D M Zubovic*, I Bykov, E G Kostadinova, D L Rudakov, M Ghazinejad. (2021). Design and testing of DiMES Carbon Ablation Rods in the DIII-D tokamak, IMECE2021-73326, ASME IMECE 2021 Conference Proceedings

T F Jones, E G Kostadinova, J L Padgett, Q Sheng, (2021). A series representation of the discrete fractional Laplace operator of arbitrary order. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 504(1), 125323.

E G Kostadinova, J L Padgett, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde, (2020). Numerical study of anomalous diffusion of light in semi-crystalline polymer structures. Phys. Rev. Research, 2(4), 043375.

J L Padgett, E G Kostadinova, C D Liaw, K Busse*, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2020). Anomalous diffusion in one-dimensional disordered systems: a discrete fractional Laplacian method. J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 53(13), 135205.

L S Matthews, E G Kostadinova, D Sanford*, TW Hyde, S Ashrafi, E Guay* (2020), Dust charging in dynamic ion wakes, Phys. Plasmas, 27, 023703 (Featured & Scilight)

E G Kostadinova, C D Liaw, A S Hering, A Cameron*, F Guyton*, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2019). Spectral approach to transport in a two-dimensional honeycomb lattice with substitutional disorder. Phys. Rev. B, 99, 024115

P Hartmann, J C Reyes, E G Kostadinova, L S Matthews, T W Hyde, R U Masheyeva, K N Dzhumagulova, T S Ramazanov, T Ott, H Kählert, M Bonitz, I Korolov, & Z Donkó (2019). Self-diffusion in two-dimensional quasi-magnetized rotating dusty plasmas. Phys. Rev. E, 99, 013203

E G Kostadinova, F Guyton*, A Cameron*, K Busse*, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2018) Transport properties of disordered two‐dimensional complex plasma crystal, Contrib. Plasma Phys., 58 (2-3), 209–216. 

(book) E G Kostadinova (2018). Spectral Approach to Transport Problems in Two-Dimensional Disordered Lattices: Physical Interpretation and Applications. Springer

E G Kostadinova, K Busse*, N Ellis*, J Padgett, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2017). Delocalization in infinite disordered two-dimensional lattices of different geometry. Phys. Rev. B96(23), 235408.

E G Kostadinova, C D Liaw, L S Matthews, & T W Hyde (2016). Physical interpretation of the spectral approach to delocalization in infinite disordered systems. Mater. Res. Express3(12), 125904.

Last updated: 08/27/2021