

PHYS1510 General Physics:

Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2019, and Fall 2020 .

PHYS2100 Intermediate Mechanics:

Spring 2014, Spring 2015, and Spring 2016 (Link).

PHYS5600/6600 Mathematical Methods for Physics II:

Spring 2020.

PHYS7400 Statistical Physics:

Fall 2015, Fall 2016, and Fall 2017 (Link).

PHYS8700 (Advanced) Solid State Physics:

Spring 2019.


I strongly encourage you to join us in our weekly colloquium (Friday 3:00pm at Parker Hall 224). No better place to learn about physics.


Journals in Physics and Nanoscience

Physical Review Archive

Software Packages

Quantum Espressso (free): software suite for ab initio quantum chemistry methods of electronic-structure calculation and materials modeling.

University Resources

Miller Writing Center: offers free, one-on-one consultation for all writers at Auburn University. Our highly trained staff of undergraduate and graduate peer tutors will help you with any kind of writing, whether for class or otherwise, at any stage in the writing process.

AUrora - Auburn University Scholarly Repository: Welcome to AUrora, an open-access repository of research and scholarly works by Auburn University faculty members. AUrora supports the outreach mission of Auburn University by making research by Auburn faculty easily accessible to citizens of the state of Alabama and to the general public.

General Information

