
Marcelo A. Kuroda, Ph.D.

e-mail id: mkuroda
Phone: +1 (334) 844-4617
Office: AL 227 (Map)
Mailing Address: 206 Allison Laboratory, Auburn University, Auburn AL (36849), USA.
More Information: Click here.

Graduate Students

Name: Jonathan H. Heath
e-mail id: jjh0047
Mailing Address: 380 Duncan Drive, Auburn University, Auburn AL (36849), USA.
Research Projects: Interactions between graphene nanopores and ions
Tunneling magnetoresistance in two-dimensional materials

Name: Lu Wang
e-mail id: lzw0058
Mailing Address: 380 Duncan Drive, Auburn University, Auburn AL (36849), USA.
Research Projects: Novel dielectrics for wide band gap semiconductors
Atomstic descriptions of material interfaces

Name: Adam M. Pfeifle
e-mail id: amp0096
Mailing Address: 380 Duncan Drive, Auburn University, Auburn AL (36849), USA.
Research Projects: Lateral heterostructure formed in two-dimensional materials
Heterostructures based on two-dimensional materials

Undergraduate Students

Please contact me if interested in joining the group.


Name: Martin Wang
Role: Undergraduate student
Project: Study of transition metal dichalcogenide heterostructures
Left to: Data analytics position (2017)

Name: Patrick Michael
Role: Undergraduate student
Project: Study of interaction between ions and graphene (Honors Thesis)
Left to: University of Liouville, Medical school (2017)

Name: Christopher Coger
Role: Undergraduate student
Project: Charge transfer in two-dimensional materials
Left to: Graduate school - University of Connecticut (2016)

Name: Raisi Lenz Baldez
Role: Visting graduate student from Federal Univ. of Santa Maria, Brazil
Project: Study of interaction between metallic clusters and graphene
Left to: Federal Univ. of Santa Maria, Brazil (2017)