

Time: Feb 04, 2012 (08:00 AM)
Location: AU Campus


AMPd Logo

A Problem-solving event for 7th and 8th graders 

 at Auburn University

 Are YOUR students up to the CHALLENGE!?

 The Commissioner of the Auburn Math Police, or A.M.P. Squad, needs your students’ help apprehending the most heinous of thieves! Put your students’ math and problem-solving skills to the test while engaging them in a classic who-dun-it game they will love!

  • Engage in real-world problem solving
  • Use practical applications of mathematics
  • Acquire competence and confidence through self-directed learning 
  • Engage in applied technology  
  • Develop leadership, teamwork and organizational skills  
  • And, of course…   

...Have a blast while learning! 

For more information, please click here.