
SIAM Meeting

Time: Mar 22, 2012 (06:00 PM)
Location: Parker 236


Auburn University Chapter of SIAM

Title:   Maximum MATLAB

Speaker: John Burkardt
Research Associate, Department of Scientific Computing, The Florida State University)

Abstract: The talk is intended for users who are comfortable with writing small scripts and functions in MATLAB, but who want to understand why some programs seem to take much longer to run than expected.

We'll look at sensible ways to try to time a MATLAB program, try to guess what the "maximum speed" of a MATLAB program could be, and consider the relationship between the size, difficulty, and completion time for a program. 

We'll look at some simple operations in MATLAB that you can unintentionally program to run very slowly.  We'll see that the MATLAB editor has a built-in feature for detecting some of these slow spots and helping you to fix them.  We will explore the ways that MATLAB allows you to use vector and matrix notation that can result in very fast execution of your programs.