
PASS Mentee Applications Due

Time: Aug 30, 2013 (05:00 PM)

Adjusting to college life at Auburn may be new and challenging.  Getting to know new roommates, classmates; adjusting to class schedules and course loads; and the campus may be overwhelming for you.  Well there’s no need to fret because COSAM ‘s Office of Diversity has a program for incoming freshmen to help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety you might be experiencing.

Why Should You Get Involved?

  • Opportunities to develop relationships with upperclassmen in your major
  • Having a resource of invaluable information necessary to accomplish academic and other personal goals
  • Having someone to share college experiences with and to know that you are not alone in your tenure at Auburn
  • To become familiar with Auburn University and the Auburn community
  • To have someone who will support and encourage you academically and socially to ensure your success
  • Learn about scholarship, research, and internship opportunities

To apply to be come a mentee in the PASS Mentoring Program, CLICK HERE. The application deadline is August 30, 2013.