
Colloquium: Tomas Caraballo

Time: Oct 18, 2013 (02:30 PM)
Location: Parker Hall 249



Speaker: Tomas Caraballo, University of Sevilla

Title: Effects of noise on the asymptotic behavior of dynamical systems

Abstract: The aim of this talk is to present some features concerning the effects of noise on the asymptotic behavior of dynamical systems. It is well-known now the stabilizing and destabilizing effects which the appearance of different kinds of noise (e.g. Ito or Stratonovich) may have on the stationary solutions (equilibria) of deterministic dynamical systems. Now we will report some results on the appearance of exponentially stable stationary (in the stochastic sense) solutions  when some noise is added to the model, as well as, the analysis of the existence of random attractor when the deterministic model is not known to have (or does  not have) a global attractor. These results will show some kind of stabilization on global attractors instead of only  on equilibria.

Faculty host: Xiaoying Han