
Linear Algebra Seminar

Time: Jul 09, 2014 (04:00 PM)
Location: Parker Hall 224


Speaker:  Geraldo De Souza

Title: Operators and Decomposition of Banach Spaces

Abstract: One of the many goal of Harmonic Analysis, is to show that certain operators are bounded in certain Banach Spaces,  we want to create  techniques that allows to do that without much difficulties, lately De Souza and collaborators  have used decomposition of Banach Spaces in order to achieve that. In couples of our last papers(with collaborators), we have done that with Multiplication, Composition operators, on Lp-Spaces via Lorentz Spaces, and also for Sobolev Spaces. We substantially simplified the computations. In my recent trip to University of Porto-Portugal together with Prof. Semyon Yakubovoch, I used these techniques to show some of the operators used by him work very well too.

This is going to be a survey talk that will be understood by any graduate student.