
BioLunch - Follow-up to Grad Student Round Table w/ Dr. Mendonca - DBS

Time: Aug 27, 2014 (12:00 PM)
Location: Funchess Hall 362


This week's BioLunch will be an open discussion about the subjects discussed in last week's meeting with Dr. Mendonca. 

For future weeks, if you are interested in giving a presentation at Biolunch, please let me know! I'd like to highlight recent conference presentations! If you gave a presentation this summer or last spring at a conference, please volunteer to give that presentation at Biolunch so that your fellow students in this department can see your research as well! Plus, it wouldn't take a lot of time to prepare, as opposed to an hour-long talk. If you'd like to practice a talk for an upcoming conference, we'll take those too! We will combine a few talks to fill the hour Biolunch time.

Also, as usual, please let me know if you'd like to talk about your research, or give a proposal or final defense seminar. Almost all of the weeks still need to be filled, so there's ample opportunity to present whatever you want!


Milton Tan