
BioLunch - Grad Student Round Table w/ Dr. Mendonca - DBS

Time: Aug 20, 2014 (12:00 PM)
Location: Funchess Hall 362


From: Milton Tan

Hope you all had a great summer. With the fall comes the return of Biolunch! I'll be the Biolunch coordinator for the 2014-2015 academic year. This year, Biolunches will be on Wednesdays at noon in Funchess 362.

As customary for the first Biolunch, our graduate program officer Dr. Mary Mendonça will be discussing new changes in the department that will affect graduate students. Please come so that you can be aware of these new changes, such as:

1) The new mandatory annual committee meeting process

2) Information about Degree Works (the new way to make a Plan of Study or Planner)

3) Information about a small stipend increase.

You will also have the opportunity to provide Dr. Mendonça with feedback regarding these changes. The Biological Sciences Graduate Student Association will also have announcements. Pizza lunch and drinks will be provided, so please come! Also, please let Sandra know if you will be attending so we can get a head count.