
Stochastics Analysis Seminar

Time: Aug 27, 2014 (02:00 PM)

Speaker: Olav Kallenberg

Topic: Tangential existence and comparison

Abstract: By a fundamental theorem of Jacod, a semimartingale X has independent increments iff its local characteristics are a.s. nonrandom. This seems to suggest that we may reduce the study of X to the independence case by a simple conditioning. Though this doesn't work in general, we can always construct an approximating tangential process with conditionallly independent increments. In this talk, I shall try to explain and elaborate on these ideas.


Speaker: Olav Kallenberg

Topic: Tangential existence and comparison

Abstract: By a fundamental theorem of Jacod, a semimartingale X has independent increments iff its local characteristics are a.s. nonrandom. This seems to suggest that we may reduce the study of X to the independence case by a simple conditioning. Though this doesn't work in general, we can always construct an approximating tangential process with conditionallly independent increments. In this talk, I shall try to explain and elaborate on these ideas.