
BioLunch - Smoot MS Research - DBS

Time: Sep 17, 2014 (12:00 PM)
Location: Funchess Hall 362

This week for Biolunch, Sammi Smoot will be presenting her MS thesis research (College of Charleston) on the ​"Anti-bacterial Activity of Molluscan Egg Masses in the San Juan Islands, WA" and will also share her experiences as a shellfish fisheries observer on crab boats in Alaska. 

Come learn about chemical defenses in early life history stages of nudibranchs and hear about her adventures working on the 'Deadliest Catch' boats and see photos of Alaskan marine life. 

Sammi Smoot is a new PhD student in Ken Halanych's lab, so please come and welcome her to the department and see her work! Bring your lunches to Funchess 362 at noon on Wednesday.