
Linear Algebra Seminar

Time: Nov 18, 2014 (04:00 PM)
Location: Parker Hall 224



Title:  Derivations of the Lie algebra of dominated upper triangular matrices

Presenter:  Prakash Ghimire

Abstract:  Let M_n be the general linear Lie algebra consisting of all (n * n) matrices over a characteristic-zero field F, and M_L the subalgebra of M_n consisting of all matrices corresponding to a dominated upper triangular ladder L.  Then any derivations of M_L can be expressed as the sum of ad(X), where X is a block upper triangular matrix in M_n, and a linear transformation mapping [M_L, M_L] to zero, and M_L to Z(M_L)∩M_L, where Z(M_L) is the center of M_L in M_n.