
DMS Algebra/Linear Algebra Seminar

Time: Sep 01, 2020 (03:00 PM)
Location: ZOOM


Speaker: Dr. Bill Trok

Title: The Segre Bound on Regularity and Polynomial Interpolation

Abstract: In polynomial interpolation, one wants to find a polynomial of small degree which takes on given values at a finite set of points. The interpolation degree of a set of points is the largest degree of polynomial needed to fit some set of values on those points. In this talk we discuss a geometric problem closely related to polynomial interpolation. In particular, we give a bound on the Interpolation Degree known as the Segre Bound. A key feature is the use of tools from matroid theory.

Modality: Speaker on Zoom, participants in Parker 250 and on Zoom.

Zoom join link (for the whole semester):

Calendar Link:
Outlook Calendar (.ics)

Website for the seminar, with (eventually) recordings of the seminars: