
DMS Combinatorics Seminar

Time: Feb 22, 2024 (02:00 PM)
Location: 328 Parker Hall



Speaker: James Anderson (Georgia Tech)

Title: The forb-flex method for odd coloring and proper conflict-free coloring of planar graphs 

Abstract: Odd coloring (resp, PCF coloring) is a stricter form of proper vertex coloring in which every nonisolated vertex is required to have a color in its neighborhood with odd multiplicity (resp, with multiplicity 1). 

We introduce a new tool useful for these colorings, based on greedy coloring, which we call the forb-flex method. Combining this with the discharging method allows us to prove χPCF(G)4 for planar graphs of girth at least 11, and χo(G)4 for planar graphs of girth at least 10, improving upon the recent works of Cho, Choi, Kwon, and Park. (We will give a brief overview of the discharging method, so no prior knowledge of discharging is required).