Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar

Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Spring 2022 Schedule
Parker Hall 358, Friday 3p.m. (CST)

For any questions or requests, please contact Selim Sukhtaiev (


Speaker Institution Date
Wenjing Liao Georgia Tech February 25
Rachidi Salako  University of Nevada, Las Vegas March 18 
Todd Arbogast The University of Texas at Austin March 25
Rihui Lan  University of South Carolina April 1 
 Chrysoula Tsogka University of California, Merced  April 15
 Rosemary Renault  Arizona State University  April 22 
 Jason Bramburger  George Mason University  May 6
Yuming Paul Zhang   UC San Diego  June 15



Jason Bramburger

Title:Deep learning of conjugate mappings

Abstract: Despite many of the most common chaotic dynamical systems being continuous in time, it is through discrete time mappings that much of the understanding of chaos is formed. Henri Poincaré first made this connection by tracking consecutive iterations of the continuous flow with a lower-dimensional, transverse subspace. The mapping that iterates the dynamics through consecutive intersections of the flow with the subspace is now referred to as a Poincaré map, and it is the primary method available for interpreting and classifying chaotic dynamics. Unfortunately, in all but the simplest systems, an explicit form for such a mapping remains outstanding. In this talk Jason will present a method of discovering explicit Poincaré mappings using deep learning to construct an invertible coordinate transformation into a conjugate representation where the dynamics are governed by a relatively simple chaotic mapping. The invertible change of variable is based on an autoencoder, which allows for dimensionality reduction, and has the advantage of classifying chaotic systems using the equivalence relation of topological conjugacies. We illustrate with low-dimensional systems such as the Rössler and Lorenz systems, while also demonstrating the utility of the method on the infinite-dimensional Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation.



Rosemary Renault

Title:Examining the Feasibility of Computational Methods for Inverting Gravity and Magnetic Data: Numerical Methods and Joint Inversion




Chrysoula Tsogka

Title:Fast Signal Recovery from Quadratic Measurements.


We present a novel approach for recovering a sparse signal from quadratic measurements corresponding to a rank-one tensorization of the data vector. Such quadratic measurements, referred to as interferometric or cross-correlated data, naturally arise in many fields such as remote sensing, spectroscopy, holography and seismology. Compared to the sparse signal recovery problem that uses linear measurements, the unknown in this case is a matrix, $X=\rho \rho^*$, formed by the cross correlations of $\rho \in C^K$. This creates a bottleneck for the inversion since the number of unknowns grows quadratically in $K$. The main idea of the proposed approach is to reduce the dimensionality of the problem by recovering only the diagonal elements of the unknown matrix, $| \rho_i|^2$, $i=1,\ldots,K$.  The contribution of the off-diagonal terms $\rho_i \rho_j^*$ for $i \neq j$ to the data is treated as noise and is absorbed using the Noise Collector approach introduced in [Moscoso et al, The noise collector for sparse recovery in high dimensions, PNAS 117 (2020)]. With this strategy, we recover the unknown  by solving a convex linear problem whose cost is similar to the one that uses linear measurements. The proposed approach provides exact support recovery when the data is not too noisy, and there are no false positives for any level of noise.


Rihui Lan

Title:High-Order Multirate Explicit Time-Stepping Schemes for the Baroclinic-Barotropic Split Dynamics in Primitive Equations


In order to treat the multiple time scales of ocean dynamics in an efficient manner, the baroclinic-barotropic splitting technique has been widely used for solving the primitive equations for ocean modeling. Based on the framework of strong stability-preserving Runge-Kutta  approach, we propose two high-order  multirate  explicit time-stepping schemes (SSPRK2-SE and SSPRK3-SE) for the resulting split system in this paper. The  proposed schemes allow for a large time step  to be used for  the three-dimensional  baroclinic (slow) mode and a small time step for the two-dimensional barotropic (fast)  mode,  in which each of the two mode solves just need to satisfy their respective CFL conditions for numerical stability. Specifically, at each time step, the  baroclinic velocity is first computed  by advancing the baroclinic mode and fluid thickness of the system with the large time-step  and the assistance of  some intermediate approximations of the baroctropic mode obtained by substepping with the small time step; then the barotropic velocity is corrected by using  the small time step to re-advance the barotropic mode under an improved barotropic forcing produced by interpolation of the forcing terms from the preceding baroclinic mode solves; lastly, the fluid thickness is updated by coupling the baroclinic and barotropic velocities. Additionally, numerical inconsistencies on the discretized sea surface height caused by the mode splitting  are  relieved  via a reconciliation process with carefully calculated flux deficits. Two benchmark tests from the ``MPAS-Ocean" platform are  carried out to numerically demonstrate  the performance and parallel scalability of the proposed SSPRK-SE schemes.



Todd Arbogast (with Chieh-Sen Huang, Ming-Hsien Kuo, and Xikai Zhao)

Title:Polynomial and RBF Finite Volume WENO Reconstructions for Solving Conservation Laws

Abstract: We analyze weighted essentially nonoscillatory (WENO) reconstructions of functions from finite volume average values, basing the approximations on either polynomials or radial basis functions (RBFs). In the polynomial case, we present new multi-level WENO reconstructions with adaptive order (WENO-AO). We give conditions under which the polynomial reconstructions achieve optimal order accuracy for both smooth solutions and solutions with discontinuities. The theory of existence of finite volume RBF approximations is developed, and numerical evidence is given to show that the RBF approximation converges to the same order as a polynomial approximation when the RBF is infinitely differentiable. Specific multiquadric RBFs on stencils of 2 and 3 mesh cells are proven to have this convergence property. These WENO-AO and RBF-WENO-AO reconstructions are applied to develop finite volume schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws on nonuniform meshes over multiple space dimensions. Numerical examples show that the schemes maintain proper accuracy and achieve the essentially non-oscillatory property when solving hyperbolic conservation laws.



Rachidi B. Salako

Title:Coexistence of pathogens of a multi-strain epidemic model.

Abstract: We study some multi-strain reaction-diffusion epidemic model dynamics with spatially heterogeneous infection and recovery rates. The nonexistence of coexistence endemic equilibrium (EE) solutions and the final extinction of one or multiple strains are proved under some proper assumptions on the model’s parameters. However, when some of these assumptions fail to hold for the case of the two strains model, we show that both strains of the disease may coexist, and solutions of the initial value problem stabilize at the unique coexistence endemic equilibrium. Finally, the asymptotic behaviors of the coexistence endemic equilibrium solutions, as the diffusion rate of the populations approaches zero, are also investigated, where the spatial segregation of multiple strains is found and determined.



Wenjing Liao

Title: Statistical learning theory of deep neural networks for data with low-dimensional structures

Abstract: In the past decade, deep learning has made astonishing breakthroughs in various real-world applications. It is a common   belief that deep neural networks are good at learning various geometric structures hidden in data sets, such as rich local regularities,   global symmetries, or repetitive patterns. One of the central interests in deep learning theory is to understand why deep neural   networks are successful, and how they utilize low-dimensional data structures. In this talk, I will present some statistical learning   theory for deep ReLU networks where data exhibit low-dimensional structures, such as lying on a low-dimensional manifold. The   learning tasks include regression, classification and learning operators between Hilbert spaces. When data are sampled on a low-   dimensional manifold, the sample complexity crucially depends on the intrinsic dimension of the manifold instead of the ambient   dimension of the data. These results demonstrate that deep neural networks are adaptive to low-dimensional geometric structures of   data sets.