Talks and Posters

Talk Session #1, October 23: 

3PM: Opening Remarks

3:15 PM: Louis Bubrig–C. elegans dauer recovery varies with worm-bacteria interactions

3:30 PM: James Ogilvie–The selective pressures maintaining polymorphic mimicry in a mulllerianmimic

3:45 PM: Linnea Bavik–Evolution of Cooperation by Continuous Phenotype Similarity

4:00 PM: Networking in Breakout Rooms

4:30 PM: Rachel MacTavish–Resource ability alters fitness trade-offs: implications for evolution in stressful environments

4:45 PM: UlkuHuma Altindag–Recombination Rate Plasticity and Interchromosomal Effect in Drosophila pseudoobscura

5:00 PM: Amanda Smith–Host-produced antimicrobial peptides and reactive oxygen species cause genomic perturbations in the opportunistic fungal pathogen C. albicans

5:15 PM: Concluding Remarks

Talk Session #3, October 30:

3PM: Opening Remarks

3:15 PM: Nitin Ravikanthachari–Role of migration-selection balance in the persistence of maladaptation in a specialized plant-herbivore interaction

3:30 PM: BlaklieMitchell-A Genetic Analysis of the Invasive Green Iguana (Iguana iguana) on Grand Cayman

3:45 PM: MoeinRajaei–Comparing the rate and spectrum of spontaneous mutation in two strains of Caenorhabditis elegans

4:00 PM: Networking in Breakout Rooms/PI Meetingu4:30 PM: Rohan Mehta-The relationship between haplotype-based FST and haplotype length

4:45 PM: Xiaoping Yi-Inhibition of molecular pathway of tumor progression in 3D cell cultures of prostate cancer cells

5:00 PM: Melinda Yang-Genetic history of northern and southern East Asians

5:15 PM: Awards

5:30 PM: Concluding Remarks

Poster Session A, October 26:

11:30-12:30 PM Central Time
Posters can be found at:
Name Title Academic Position
Audrey Powell Sex Dimorphism of Immune Response to bacterial infection in D. melanogaster Undergraduate student
Bryan Rogers A critical step in the evolution of life? Faculty
Denise Horner Sex Dimorphism of Immune Response to Non-pathogenic Bacterial Infection in D. melanogaster Undergraduate student
John Mahas Quantifying imidacloprid susceptibility in populations of Aphis gossypii Graduate student
Katherine Eaton Nanopore amplicon sequencing reveals molecular convergence and local adaptation of rhodopsin in Great Lakes salmonids Graduate student
Lydia Warthin/Payal Patel Investigating the Distribution and Taxonomic Status of Eurycea bislineata Undergraduate students
Molly Caldwell Consistent nest site selection by turtles across sites with varying levels of human disturbance Graduate student
Nathaliade Albuquerque Transposable element abundance correlates with mode of transmission in microsporidian parasites Graduate student

Poster Session B, October 27:

11:30-12:30 PM Central Time
Posters can be found at:
Name Title Academic Position
Isabella Childers Computational Analysis of Deletions in the Rhesus Macaque Genome by Recombination of Alu Elements  Undergraduate student
Jessie Pelosi Population structure and dynamic fluctuations of effective population size in a polyploid fern complex Graduate studen
Megan Stubbs Population genetics of a recent range expansion by the southern pine beetle, Dendroctonusfrontalis, into the Northeastern United States  Other
Natalia Rivera Rincon Changes in frequency of polymorphic inversions on natural populations of Drosophila robusta Graduate student
Nevada King Do invasive species adapt following introduction? Evaluating viability selection across native and introduced white clover populations. Graduate student
Roark Gaspard Evolution in an extreme range of the Central North American white clover cyanogenesis cline Undergraduate student
Shivam Bhardwaj Doublesex and sexual dimorphism in butterflies Postdoc
Tashitso Anamza Comparing hiearchicial Bayesian priors for estimating shared evolutionary events Graduate student
Timothy Cronin Sex Ratios and Reproduction in the protandricsimultaneous hermaphrodite, Lysmata wurdemanni Graduate student