Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

A Message from Dr. Taffye Benson Clayton
Taffye Benson Clayton

"At Auburn, we appreciate diversity as a strength and are committed to expanding equity and inclusion for all. Your university leaders have been collaborating together to achieve our DEI objectives. We are eager to share progress with you and keep you updated on our journey as we promote a vision of belonging in which everyone is a welcomed and valued member of the Auburn Family. We know we can maximize our university's potential through this steadfast dedication to diversity, equity and inclusion which will create opportunities for students, faculty, staff and alumni to flourish and become leaders who change the world."

- Taffye Benson Clayton
Vice President and Associate Provost for Inclusion and Diversity at Auburn

Auburn Campus Climate Survey

As a part of Auburn University’s ongoing commitment to providing a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive environment for all members of the Auburn Family to thrive. We seek to foster an Auburn Experience that is open and accessible to all, fosters respect, and a sense of appreciation throughout our campus. The overarching goal of our continuous campus climate studying is to provide a foundation for establishing and maintaining a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusiveness that is embedded throughout the university.

Campus climate is defined as the current attitudes, behaviors and standards of faculty, staff, administrators and students concerning the level of respect for individual needs, abilities and potential. *

* Pascarella, E. T., & Terenzini, P. T. (2005). How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass

Learn more about:
The 2022 Campus Climate Study

DEI Strategy Overview

Auburn has compiled its five-year strategic plan with those from across its colleges, the Presidential Task Force for Equity and Opportunity and Office of Inclusion and Diversity into one comprehensive plan with key goals that work to create a campus that is equitable and works for students, faculty and staff from all backgrounds. Auburn intends to place a heavy focus on recruitment and retention that creates a robust and diverse enrollment, as well as ensure students from underrepresented backgrounds have the tools and support they need to succeed at Auburn.

Auburn DEI Strategy Overview

Auburn State of Inclusion

Last year at our first State of Inclusion and Diversity event we talked about how Auburn is on a journey.

We looked at where we’ve been, and how we’ve been investing in our people, our campus and our communities.

This year, we’re reviewing how Auburn has taken intentional steps towards inclusive excellence and how leaders across our campus are setting Auburn up to accelerate that progress in the future.

Campus Climate Study - Spring 2022

Building upon campus climate studies conducted in 2016 and 2021, Auburn University formally and anonymously assessed students, employees, faculty, and post-doctoral scholars about their experiences and perceptions of campus and workplace climate during the Spring 2022 semester. Student Affairs and the Office of Inclusion and Diversity partnered with SoundRocket to administer the campus climate survey to campus. SoundRocket has administered climate studies across professional industries, including other research-intensive higher education institutions.

This study was one part of Auburn University’s ongoing efforts to foster a supportive campus for all members of the Auburn Family. For questions, please contact the Office of Inclusion and Diversity at diversity@auburn.edu.

Auburn University Diversity Statement

Diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice are important values at Auburn University.

Auburn University will proactively work to eliminate barriers facing underrepresented community members and commit to sustaining and supporting diversity in all its forms including those based on life experience, gender, sex, nationality, race, identity, ethnicity, age, political affiliation, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, socioeconomic status, veteran status, disability, neurodiversity, and religion. Auburn will actively cultivate a community where all members are valued, respected and can thrive personally and professionally. Auburn will invest substantial resources to increase the number of underrepresented groups in all facets of the University to include staff, students, faculty, vendors, partners and those who offer voluntary service.

Auburn will measure its commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice through ongoing assessment and evaluation of activities and individual and collective actions as reflected in practices, procedures, programs, relationships, behaviors and campus culture.

Presidential Task Force for
Opportunity and Equity Progress Updates

The four subcommittees of the Presidential Task Force for Opportunity and Equity have made recommendations to address disparities in recruitment and retention, as well as the implementation of a campus-wide Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Education program. Read more about the Task Force’s progress here.


Task Force Progress

Auburn expanding opportunities for diversity, equity and inclusion learning

Auburn University believes in the importance of creating a safe and healthy environment that is free from harassment and discrimination for all members of the Auburn Family. As Auburn continues along its diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI, journey, it is committed to providing self-directed learning opportunities for employees to advance their knowledge, skills and competencies regarding DEI.

In advancement of this commitment and efforts from the Presidential Taskforce for Opportunity and Equity, the Office of Inclusion and Diversity, or OID, would like to introduce new learning options available to the campus.

Auburn demographics for studentbody, faculty, staff and alumni

Across the state, America, and the world
  • All 67 Alabama counties represented in student body

  • Student population includes students from all 50 states and 103 countries

  • 6.1% of the total student population is Non-Resident Aliens (International)

Race/Ethnicity of Students
78.7% - White
4.9% - Black or African American
4.0% - Hispanic
2.8% - Asian
2.7% Two or More Races
0.34% - Unspecified
51% - Male
49% - Female
Race/Ethnicityof Alumni
78.58% - White or Caucasian
4.2% - Black or African American
3.17% - Asian
1.1% - Hispanic
1.02% - Intnl NR Alien
0.31% - Alaskan/Am.Indn
0.11% - Multiracial
11.51% - Unspecified
53.4% - Male
46.59% - Female
0.008% - Unknown
Race/Ethnicityof Faculty
71% - White
13% - Asian
5% - Black
4% - Hispanic
5% - Non-Resident Alien (International)
1% - Unspecified
58% - Male
42% - Female
Race/Ethnicityof Staff
78% - White
14% - Black
3% - Hispanic
2% - Asian
2% - Non-Resident Alien (International)
1% - Unspecified
57% - Female
43% - Male

Auburn's Historical Progress

Auburn is dedicated to strengthening its commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. This historical timeline highlights some of the milestones since our founding as a land-grant institution, as we work toward the ideal environment for everyone in the Auburn Family.

Last updated: July 16, 2024