Tuition at Auburn University

Fee Descriptions

Tuition is assessed each semester based on residency and hours enrolled. The amount that students pay in tuition and required fees represents a sizeable and important investment in their future. However, student payments alone do not cover the full cost of providing any of Auburn¹s educational programs.

Even after state appropriations are included, some programs require funding through additional fees in order to provide the high-quality learning environment that students expect. Like the basic tuition and fees, these additional amounts help to cover not only the direct costs of providing instruction and advising in these programs but also indirect costs associated with Auburn’s role as a comprehensive center of higher education for the state.

Additional fees for individual programs are assessed as follows:

A summary of tuition rates and fees is available. Prospective students should contact Undergraduate Admissions with general questions about tuition and fees. Current students should contact Student Financial Services with questions about basic tuition and fees or the appropriate unit with questions about additional program fees.