Every single day at the College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM), researchers are making a difference.
What IMPACT Do You Want to Make?
Scroll down to learn more about our undergraduate and graduate students, plus our award-winning faculty. These dedicated researchers are making advancements that will help future generations around the globe.
Faculty Impact:
Meet Christian who has taught and conducted research for 14 years at Auburn University. Learn more about his $420,000 NSF award to research developing diagnostic sensors to prevent long-term damage caused by high levels of oxidative stress.
Meet Cissy Ballen who is part of a joint project with Michigan State University. Read more about how students relate to scientists impacts student retention: A $1 million NSF funds a study to examine data literacy instruction with direct connection to STEM.
Check out an exciting trip to the unexplored Antarctic waters with Kenneth M. Halanych. Read more about his research voyage and view the team's blog, Icy Inverts.
Find out more about Alex Bredar. This third-year graduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry attended the Gordon Research Seminar last year and made such an impact that her peers elected her to be the Co-Chair at the 2020 Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions. Read about her contributions to this two-day seminar for graduate students and post-doctoral students.
Student Impact:
Read about Miles Blanchet, a graduate student in the Department of Physics wrote a grant to become self-funded so that he could focus on more in-depth research. Learn more about this student who is working on the physical and electrical properties of thin films.
Meet Lori Scott, a graduate student in the Department of Physics that worked on an experiment with the International Space Station. Learn about how she traveled to Munich, Germany to finalize the team's proposal and tested scripts, and how she interacted with cosmonauts on the International Space Station.
Learn about Brady Unzicker, a student in the Department of Physics that is part of an elite class selected the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation. Find out more about this exceptional student's honor that coincides with the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission.
Find out more about Alex Bredar. This third-year graduate student in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry attended the Gordon Research Seminar last year and made such an impact that her peers elected her to be the Co-Chair at the 2020 Electron Donor-Acceptor Interactions. Read about her contributions to this two-day seminar for graduate students and post-doctoral students.

COSAM Spotlight
Meet Dr. Ed Thomas, Jr. He inspired more than 1,500 middle and high school students to learn about science through hands-on demonstrations at the 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics.
LEARN MOREFaculty Impact:
Dr. Stewart Schneller was awarded the 2019 Alumni Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award for his influence as former dean and professor in Auburn’s College of Sciences and Mathematics (COSAM). Learn More
Meet Dr. Ed Thomas, Jr. He inspired more than 1,500 middle and high school students to learn about science through hands-on demonstrations at the 61st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Plasma Physics. Watch a video of students interacting with science demonstrations and learn more about this outreach event.
Learn about a grant that researchers Dr. Rita Graze and Dr. Tonia Schwartz received to study aging, develop new vertebrate model and train 50 undergraduate students. Read about this National Institutes of Health (NIH-R15) grant.
Meet Dr. Ryan Comes. He is the first researcher from Auburn University to be awarded the the Air Force’s Young Investigator Research Program Award. Read about this grant that will help him develop a new class of metastable oxides.
Dr. Paul Cobine is the recipient of the prestigious Gerald and Emily Leischuck Endowed President Award for Excellence in Teaching. Check out why this professor helps elevate the student experience at Auburn through making memorable moments in the classroom and adjusting his teaching philosophy through student feedback.
Did you know that Dr. Karen McNeal and a team of Auburn researchers are the recipients of a highly competitive $3 million National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) grant to train the next generation of scientists and leaders to conduct cutting-edge interdisciplinary and applied research, develop effective communication skills, and prepare them for the workforce? Learn more about Auburn University's first NRT grant.
Meet Dr. Jordan Harshman, who is part of a collaboration to create a chemistry-centric portal of assessment tools. Find out why he feels it is critical to have one online place for educators to find these tools.
Learn about Dr. Phuong Hoang, the recipient of a National Science Foundation grant to research numerical methods for fractured porous mediums. Read more about her methods for researching global-in-time domain decomposition.
Did you know that Dr. Yu Lin is part of a team that received the largest grant from NASA? Find out more about her role as the theory lead on this project to study how solar winds and the Earth's magnetic field interact.
Meet Dr. Vincent Ortiz, a 2019 Fellow of the American Chemical Society. Learn why the world's largest scientific society selected him for his outstanding impact including three decades of achievements and contributions in the field of science.
See the research that Dr. Dennis Bodewits is conducting with time granted on the Hubble Space Telescope for the second time. Read about this consecutive opportunity to research objects in our solar system.
Learn more about how Dr. Sarit Dhar has made an impact through advocacy. He received the 5 Sigma Physicist Award from the American Physical Society. Find out about this honor.
Check out the research of Dr. Marcelo A. Kuroda. He has received a National Science Foundation CAREER Award for his work in materials research. Learn more about his project.
Find out about the impact Dr. Chris Easley is making in the field of diabetes and obesity research. He is the recipient of the 2019 AES Electrophoresis Society Mid-Career Achievement award, and will be speaking at the organization's annual event. Read more about his research.