Faculty & Staff Highlights

Seven Professors named recipients of endowed positions

COSAM faculty include international leaders in their fields, ground-breaking researchers, and committed instructors of the next generation of scientists and mathematicians. Endowed chairs and professorships recognize excellent faculty by providing competitive salaries and resources for research, travel, and professional development. Financial support of COSAM faculty also allows the college to continue to attract and retain top-quality instructors and researchers.

Seven professors in COSAM were recently named the recipients of endowed positions. COSAM congratulates these exceptional individuals who have earned their respective recognition, and the college looks forward to their continued outstanding leadership in research, instruction, and outreach.

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Faculty Awards Celebrating Excellence ceremony honors three from COSAM

Auburn University held the seventh annual Faculty Awards Celebrating Excellence ceremony at The Hotel at Auburn University and Dixon Conference Center. Among those receiving awards were COSAM’s Lawrence Wit, associate dean emeritus; Bob Boyd, professor of biological sciences; and Gary Gruenhage, professor of mathematics and statistics.

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New FacultyCOSAM Welcomes New Faculty

COSAM welcomes the newest faculty and staff. They are, pictured from left: (back row) Catherine Situma, director of instructional and research laboratories for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry; Sharon Hermann, assistant professor of ecology; Rita Graze, assistant professor of biological sciences; (front row) Xiaoyu Li, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics; Kaijun Liu, assistant professor of physics; Steven Mansoorabadi, assistant professor of chemistry.

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Student ServicesCOSAM's Office of Student Services Among Best in Nation

Student advisors play an integral role in the educational experience of all COSAM students, offering guidance and assistance as they navigate their way through college with an eye toward a career. COSAM boasts Auburn’s premier advising team as the college’s Office of Student Services has four current and past advisors who are recipients of national awards given in recognition of dedication to the field. No other college on campus has a single recipient of a national advising award.

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