Outreach Highlights:

EwaldA Message from the Director of COSAM Outreach
Mary Lou Ewald

The past year has been one of changes and abundant opportunities for the COSAM Office of Outreach. Kathy Feminella, our administrative assistant, retired after 10 years of service at Auburn. Though we were sad to see Kathy leave, we were fortunate to welcome Kristen Bond to the Outreach team. Kristen brings years of experience in program and event management and has quickly integrated into the COSAM family.

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Summer Science Institute assists high school students as they plan for the future

In 2012, COSAM’s Office of Outreach initiated an academically competitive, science and mathematics enrichment program for rising 11th-and 12th-grade students called the Summer Science Institute. The one-week program is designed for students who demonstrate a heightened interest in a career in the sciences or mathematics and provides them an opportunity to explore cutting-edge research topics in biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and mathematics. Physics professor Allen Landers, Howard Carr Professor of Outreach and faculty director of the institute, conceived the program with a vision toward exciting young minds about science.

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