Auburn Medical Information Form
Upon arrival at Auburn University, and before you can officially register for classes, all new students must visit the Clearwave Web link and complete the Medical Information Form. Alabama state law requires you show written (and translated) proof of a negative tuberculin skin test. If you do not have proof of a negative test result, you will be required to take the test at the clinic. If the test results from your native country were positive, you are required to bring the x-ray film with you to the Auburn University Medical Clinic, along with a physician's verification (translated) that you are tuberculosis free.
In addition to having a negative tuberculin skin test, new students must show written (and translated) proof of having taken the measles vaccine. New students should bring their immunization records with them, if possible. If you have any questions about the Auburn University Medical Clinic.
General Information
You must first seek health care from the Auburn University Medical Clinic when the university is in session and when the clinic is open. Referrals (by recommendation of a clinic doctor) are required for most care outside the clinic. All exceptions are listed in the Policy Brochure, but the following are a few to remember:
Provider Links
Nurse Line
You can call the Nurse Line number on your insurance card for advice 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call the free number for professional advice from a nurse at 1-800-389-6770.