Dr. Charlie Wilder joined the Office of Academic Insight in March of 2022 as a Senior Analyst for Educational Research. His role as a part of the Insight Lab is to support academic units through analysis and interpretation of student graduation outcome data and to collaborate with campus partners to improve student success.
Wilder came to Auburn from Mississippi State University where he served as Assistant Director for Assessment in the MSU Career Center. He developed a love for the application and analysis of data during this time through overhauling the career center’s First Destination Survey data collection and analysis process. He joined the Auburn family in 2019 to direct the Cooperative Education Program. In addition to these roles, Wilder is also a past-president of the Southern Association of Colleges and Employers, a regional organization for university career center and recruiting professionals.
Wilder brings 12 years of experience in university career services and holds a PhD in Instructional Systems and Workforce Development from Mississippi State University. He lives in Auburn with his wife, Carmen, their 5 boys, and dog, Tucker.