Full Reports
FDS Summary Reports
The FDS Summary Reports are produced on an annual basis. Each report provides a summary of the first destination outcomes for graduates of each academic college. In addition, reports summarize high-impact practice participation for the majors in each college.

Academic Effectiveness Reports

The purpose of the current report is to assess quality of the Auburn University Learning Assistant Program and propose areas for improvement based on data collected from Learning Assistants and students participating in courses supported via the Learning Assistant Program.

Exploring DFW Rates
Students planning to apply to medical school after graduation take the BCHE 5180 (Biochemistry I) course as a requirement or recommended course for admission to most medical schools. Given its pivotal role in medical school placement, student success in BCHE 5180 was explored. This report summarizes observed between-group differences and seeks to guide a discussion on improvement of the student experience and placement.

Exploring Student Placement in the College of Education
The purpose of this report is to identify factors affecting job placement rates of graduates from the College of Education, and primarily, the Department of Curriculum and Teaching (teacher preparation majors). In addition, this report and future investigation seeks to guide next steps and potential interventions aimed at improving student career outcomes.

QEP – Pilot Project
The current report provides a brief example of data exploration and insights provided by the Office of Academic Insight. While examining the at-graduation employment success rates of several student sub-groups by internship participation, a large difference in success rates between males and females was observed. This report further investigates the observed gender differences and identifies next steps toward narrowing the success gap.
Equity Reports

Freshman and Transfer Students
The purpose of this report is to examine internship participation and employment success of Spring 2020 graduating seniors with consideration given to differences between traditional freshmen and transfer students.

Gender Differences
The purpose of this report is to investigate observed gender differences and to identify ways to narrow at-graduation employment success gaps.

Internship - White and Non-White Students
The purpose of this report is to examine how participation in internships impacts the likelihood of securing employment for students seeking employment opportunities after completing their undergraduate degrees.

UR – White and Non-White Students
The purpose of this report is to examine how participating in undergraduate research (UR) impacts the likelihood of enrollment into a graduate program for students seeking continuing education opportunities after completing their undergraduate degrees.
SCORE Reports

Student Core Outcome and Readiness Evaluation data is collected and analyzed, annually. The SCORE reports are produced, shared, and discussed by the University Senate Core Curriculum and General Education Committee. The purpose of these reports is to continuously seek student learning associated with one of the nine general education student learning outcomes.