AU Common Book Program

Each Fall, the Auburn Family reads our common book and participates in activities to share new perspectives, discuss important themes, and learn from one another. Join us on October 22 for the 2024 Common Book Author Keynote and Book Signing!


RSVP For the Common Book Author Keynote and Book Signing

Author Eileen Garvin will be visiting campus to discuss The Music of Bees on October 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at the Student Activties Center Auditorium. She will follow her discussion with questions form the audience and a book signing.

Students, faculty, staff, and Auburn community members are all welcome to attend! Reserve your seat today! Seating will be prioritized for those who RSVP.

Join a Book Club to Discuss the Common Book

Are you interested in joining a book club to talk about Auburn’s 2024 Common book, The Music of Bees? We are organizing groups themed around interests, number of meetings, and meeting times/locations. Eileen Garvin will be meeting with select Book Clubs during her visit on October 23rd.

Make sure to request your copy of the book too!

Upcoming Events

2024 Auburn Common Book Kickoff Event

Auburn University students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to attend the 2024 Auburn Common Book Kickoff Event: An Evening with the Auburn University Bee Lab. During the event, you will get to watch a short documentary about the AU Bee Lab, get to meet and ask questions of the beekeepers in the movie, and enjoy light snacks. This event is sponsored by the Auburn University School of Agriculture.

The AU Bees Movie: Their Impact on Agriculture and the Health of Our Ecosystems event will take place on September 4th at 6:00 p.m. in the Melton Student Center Room 1115.


Request Your Copy of the 2024 Auburn Common Book

Auburn University students, faculty, and staff are eligible to request a copy of the 2024 Auburn Common Book, The Music of Bees. Book pickups are between August 13 - 29th, you may select a time/date/location to pickup your copy in your request. The time/date/location can also be viewed via the calendar page.

Supplies are limited, so request your copy today!


About the Program

Auburn University's Common Book program was started in Fall 2010.


2024 Selection

This year's book is The Music of Bees, by Eileen Garvin.


Student Involvement

Win priority football access for participating!


Teaching Resources

Integrate the AU Common Book in your class.