One Auburn || Auburn University

Is your office or unit interested in engaging with Salesforce?

Reach out to us to for a discovery meeting to review either your data or communication goals and learn how we can best support your efforts.

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In each college or office, a designated resource known as a Functional Administrator supports and champions the use of Salesforce CRM. This individual plays a crucial role in ensuring alignment with the larger institution by overseeing and strategically planning CRM applications. Additionally, the Functional Administrator collaborates with end users to understand their needs and documents them as business requirements. While not mandatory, having a dedicated Functional Administrator can be beneficial for building customizations and enhancements tailored specifically to the independent needs of the college or unit.

To schedule a discovery meeting related to the CRM, please reach out to the following staff:

Lori Sewll Headshot

Lori Sewell

Enterprise System Architect

Blakeney Davis Headshot

Blakeney Davis

Manager, Salesforce & Data Administration


Like the CRM implementation, we highly recommend a college or business unit identifies a team member to fully support the use of Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Typically, a communications/marketing specialist, this individual is responsible for supporting Marketing Cloud within your college or office and contributes to overall brand alignment with the larger institution by engaging in Content Builder to share content internally.

Marketing Cloud administrators will design, personalize and send engaging communications; build automations to streamline and organize frequent communication campaigns; facilitate the management of an email preferences center for your unit or office; access key data about outgoing communications; and manage social media marketing all in one place.

To schedule a discovery meeting related to Marketing Cloud, please reach out to the following staff:

Courtney Edwards

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Manager

Courtney Edwards Headshot