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Arleigh Burke Honorary Fraternity (ABHF) at Auburn University is designed to enhance the professional competence and develop the esprit de corps of Midshipmen and Officer Candidates who desire to commission into the Surface Warfare Community. Any student enrolled in NROTC who has an interest in Surface Warfare is encouraged to join. ABHF has weekly meetings. Check out the Arleigh Burke Honorary Fraternity's AU Involve page for more information.
The Naval Aviation Society of Auburn (NASA) prepares Midshipmen and Officer Candidates for selection as Naval Aviators or Flight Officers. Training is done weekly utilizing lecture-style discussion. Check out the Naval Aviation Society Auburn's AU Involve page for more information.
Trident Society is a Student Government Association (SGA) chartered professional organization representing MIDN and OC’s who are interested in the Naval Nuclear Power Program and submarines. The goal of Trident Society is to introduce and promote nuclear power to the NROTC Battalion. Membership is open to civilians and NROTC students in good academic standing and interested in the nuclear field. Check out the Trident Society of Auburn's AU Involve page for more information.
The mission of the Semper Fidelis Society is to earn and provide funds in order to host social and training events that will benefit the Auburn Marines and NROTC in not only becoming better Naval/Marine Corps Officers, but in building a tight, cohesive Marine bond that establishes a Marine presence on the university and creates a more enjoyable experience for its members.
Drill team practices three times a week for about an hour. Besides learning the skills to handle a rifle, Drill Team members memorize vast amounts of military knowledge. The Auburn Drill Team attends the annual Tulane Drill Meet during Mardis Gras. Check out the Drill Team's AU Involve page for more information.