Brittany Wheeler
Department of Geosciences

Research Areas: Law, Geography, Ethics, and Mobility

Office: 2046H Haley Center


Ph.D., Geography, Clark University
M.A., Forced Migration Studies, University of the Witwatersrand
M.A., International Museum Studies, Gothenburg
B.A., English, University of California, Berkeley

Professional Employment
Lecturer, Auburn University
2023 - Present
Visiting Instructor in Geography, Mount Holyoke College
2021 - 2022
Lecturer in Geography, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Research Assistant, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, William S. Richardson School of Law
2019 - 2021

Research and Teaching Interests

My research focuses on conceptualizations and practices of responsibility, and their impact on the dynamic between historical events and contemporary modes of justice. I work at the interface of law, geography, ethics, and mobility, particularly within processes of repair, including compensation and repatriation. At Auburn, I teach Human Geography, Global Geography, and Geography of Africa.

Selected Publications

  1. Wheeler, B.L. and Harden, M., 2023. Negotiating Their Future: A Marshallese Geography of U.S. Policy, Law & Space Journal, Available at: 
  2. Wheeler, B.L., Fitzpatrick, J. and van der Geest, K., 2022. The Ongoingness of Migration: Marshallese Well-Being in the United States. Journal of Disaster Research, 17(3), pp.335-345.
  3. van der Geest, K., Burkett, M., Fitzpatrick, J., Stege, M. and Wheeler, B., 2020. Climate change, ecosystem services and migration in the Marshall Islands: are they related? Climatic Change, 161, pp.109-127. 
  4. Moulton, A.A., Velednitsky, S., Harris, D.M., Cook, C.B. and Wheeler, B.L., 2021. On and beyond traumatic fallout: unsettling political ecology in practice and scholarship. Journal of Political Ecology, 28(1), pp.677-95.
  5. Nunez, L. and Wheeler, B., 2012. Chronicles of death out of place: Management of migrant death in Johannesburg. African Studies, 71(2), pp.212-233.

Last updated: 09/21/2023