The Office of Information Technology's strategic vision is to work symbiotically with all constituencies to provide for technical needs. Some OIT projects are essentially invisible to end users, but a large number of them require collaboration with other units on campus. While this list is far from exhaustive, some notable collaborative efforts for 2020 include the development of a new School of Nursing website, the Sentinel Testing Scheduler application, the implementation of a new Class List roster application for Faculty, a series of upgrades to the DegreeWorks system, an ongoing effort with the Campus Event Planning staff while adjusting to remote operations, the implementation of preferred name and pronoun options, and the second phase of a new Housing Management system.
To improve prospective and current student experiences, OIT worked closely with the School of Nursing, the Office of Communications and Marketing, and a web accessibility expert to bring a new School of Nursing website to life.
When Auburn decided to move to a self-hosted Sentinel Testing app, the Campus Web Solutions co-op students stepped in and worked closely with the Pharmacy, the Medical Clinic, and other leadership to provide the best possible testing scheduler for the campus.
Several OIT units were involved closely with the Office of Inclusion and Diversity to make sure that students had the option to select preferred name and pronouns within most major campus administrative systems like Banner and Canvas.
The Enterprise Application team, as well as the QA and PMO teams, worked closely with the Housing office and Student Affairs to implement the second phase of a housing management system to streamline applications and rooming requests.
Last Updated: March 02, 2021