Auburn University has installed a weather monitoring radar system that can track approaching storms across the state of Alabama and beyond.

Auburn University maintains contact with local and state emergency management agencies as well as the National Weather Service.

Upon receipt of a severe weather watch or warning, tone alert radios in buildings on campus will be activated. The nature of the emergency will be given along with instructions on how to remain safe.

Upon receipt of a tornado warning, the outdoor warning sirens will be activated.

The Lee County Emergency Management Agency tests the outdoor tornado sirens every fourth Wednesday at noon.


WATCH: Conditions are favorable for the development of severe weather in the Auburn area. Everyone should closely monitor the situation in case it gets worse.

WARNING: Severe weather has actually been observed, and there is an imminent threat to the Auburn area. Listen closely to instructions provided by weather radios/emergency officials.


  • Frequently have high winds, cloud-to-ground lightning, heavy rain, and tornados.


  • Stay away from telephones, electrical appliances, and plumbing.
  • If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck.
  • Go to a safe shelter immediately.


  • If you receive an alert that there is a Tornado Warning, take shelter immediately in designated shelter locations. Shelter locations are clearly marked with signs, and are identified on building diagrams in building-specific emergency plans.
  • If shelter is not available, move to the center and lowest point of your building.
  • Stay away from windows and doors to prevent injury from glass or other flying objects.
  • Cover your head with any heavy/bulky object to protect yourself.
  • Do not go outdoors to see the storm. Trained storm spotters will be monitoring the situation.
  • If you are in a vehicle, seek shelter in a building, ditch, or other safe place. Automobiles are very dangerous during high winds.
  • If flood water rises, do not attempt to wade or travel through the stream. Even small amounts of water can be very dangerous.
  • Report any injury/damage to the 911 dispatcher. Provide them as much information as possible to respond to the emergency.
  • Once the storm has cleared, notify Campus Safety & Security at (334) 844-8888 of any damages or injuries.

Severe weather FAQ

Last updated: 08/14/2022