
Switch Energy Awareness and Efficiency Program

Time: Apr 22, 2013 (05:30 PM)
Location: Sciences Center Auditorium


Auburn University and Arcos Films would like to invite you to a FREE screening of Switch, a new award-winning documentary that moves past the politics to deliver the straight answers on energy.

Monday, April 22 – 5:30pm

Auburn University

Sciences Center Auditorium

Is fracking polluting our water? How dangerous is nuclear? Will gasoline prices continue to rise? Can we clean up coal? Can renewables really power our future?

Switch delivers straight answers to today’s most controversial energy questions, as energy visionary Dr. Scott Tinker travels the world, exploring leading energy sites, from coal to solar, oil to biofuels, most of them highly restricted and never before seen on film. He seeks the truth from international leaders of government, industry and academia, then cuts through the confusion to discover a path to our energy future as surprising as it is practical.

Switch is part of the Switch Energy Project, a multi-pronged effort to build a global understanding of energy. This screening is part of over 250 universities across the country participating in the GSA Switch Energy Awareness & Efficiency Program, which launched last fall at over 40 pilot schools with a student ambassador program, efficiency drive and screening of the film.

Audiences have called Switch “the first truly balanced energy film." As no documentary before it, SWITCH has been embraced and supported by people across the energy spectrum: environmentalists and academics, fossil and renewable energy experts, scientists and economists.

“I took my students to a screening of SWITCH, and we spent most of the following class discussing it, a testament to its value as an educational tool. It was amazing...” -- Amy Jaffe, Rice University Energy Program

“Every person in America should see and digest this film.” -- Douglas Johnson, Statoil

“SWITCH really puts all the pieces together, and makes me optimistic for the future.” -- Erin Geoffroy, Environmental Defense Fund

Following the movie, energy expert and COSAM Dean’s Leadership Council member Herb Martin, geology ’79, who is the vice president of Devon Energy, will answer questions from the audience. For more information, contact Ashraf Uddin at 334.844.4885 or by email at