
DMS Stochastic Analysis Seminar

Time: Nov 08, 2022 (02:30 PM)
Location: 356 Parker Hall



Speaker: Jingyu Huang, University of Birmingham, UK

Title: Fourier transform method in stochastic differential equation (SPDE)

Abstract: We consider the Fourier transform method in stochastic heat equation on Rd


We study the existence and uniqueness of the solution under Fourier mode.

Then we apply the similar approach to the turbulent transport of a passive scalar quantity in a stratified, 2-D random velocity field. It is described by the stochastic partial differential equation
where ˙V is some Gaussian noise. We show via a priori bounds that, typically, the solution decays with time. The detailed analysis is based on a probabilistic representation of the solution, which is likely to have other applications as well. This is based on joint work with Davar Khoshnevisan from University of Utah.