
DMS Combinatorics Seminar

Time: Mar 21, 2023 (02:00 PM)
Location: 328 Parker Hall



Speaker: Chris Cox, Iowa State University

Title: Subgraph counts in planar graphs and maximum likelihood estimators of graphs

Abstract:(1) How many copies of a graph H can exist within an n-vertex planar graph? Such questions can be traced back to the late 1970's when Hakimi and Schmeichel determined the maximum number of copies of C3 and C4 that a planar graph can hold. Furthermore, these problems have recently regained quite a bit of popularity!(2) For a graph H on m edges, which probability mass μ on the edges of some clique maximizes the probability that m edges sampled independently from μ form a copy of H? While maximum likelihood estimation questions have a rich history (dating back to the 1920's), the above question appears to have never been asked...It turns out that there's a close relationship between problems (1) and (2) for graphs which display a certain subdivision structure. In this talk, we'll discuss this relationship illustrate how it can be used to show that a planar graph on n vertices contains at most (n/3)3 many copies of C6.