DMS Combinatorics Seminar |
Time: Mar 30, 2023 (09:00 AM) |
Location: ZOOM |
Details: PLEASE NOTE NEW TIME: 9:00AM Speaker: Debsoumya Chakraborti, Institute for Basic Science (IBS), South Korea
Title: Rainbow extremal problem for color-critical graphs Abstract: Given k graphs G1,…,Gk over a common vertex set of size n, what conditions on Gi ensure a rainbow copy of H, i.e., a copy of H with at most one edge from each Gi? We study the problem of maximizing ∑ie(Gi) without a rainbow copy of H, where e(Gi) denotes the number of edges in the graph Gi. We discuss some results and open questions when H is a complete or a color-critical graph. We also discuss our recent progress on this problem to a conjecture of Keevash, Saks, Sudakov, and Verstraete. This talk will be based on joint work with Kim, Lee, Liu, and Seo.