DMS Combinatorics Seminar |
Time: Nov 09, 2023 (02:45 PM) |
Location: ZOOM |
Details: Speaker: Dan Cranston (Virginia Commonwealth University) Title: Kempe Equivalent List Colorings
Abstract: An α,β-Kempe swap in a properly colored graph interchanges the colors on some component of the subgraph induced by colors α and β. Two k-colorings of a graph are k-Kempe equivalent if we can form one from the other by a sequence of Kempe swaps (never using more than k colors). Las Vergnas and Meyniel showed that if a graph is (k−1)-degenerate, then each pair of its k-colorings are k-Kempe equivalent. Mohar conjectured the same conclusion for connected k-regular graphs. This was proved for k=3 by Feghali, Johnson, and Paulusma (with a single exception K2\dboxK3, also called the 3-prism) and for k≥4 by Bonamy, Bousquet, Feghali, and Johnson. In this paper we prove an analogous result for list-coloring. For a list-assignment L and an L-coloring \vph, a Kempe swap is called L-valid for \vph if performing the Kempe swap yields another L-coloring. Two L-colorings are called L-equivalent if we can form one from the other by a sequence of L-valid Kempe swaps. Let G be a connected k-regular graph with k≥3. We prove that if (L) is a k-assignment, then all L-colorings are L-equivalent (again excluding only K2\boxK3. When (k≥4, the proof is completely self-contained, implying an alternate proof of the result of Bonamy et al. This is joint work with Reem Mahmoud. |