
DMS Stochastic Analysis Seminar (SASA)

Time: Nov 29, 2023 (11:00 AM)
Location: 326 Parker Hall



Speaker: Cheng Ouyang, University of Illinois, Chicago, 

Title: Parabolic Anderson Models in Sierpinski Gasket


Abstract: We study the parabolic Anderson model (PAM) on fractals such as the Sierpinski gasket. Besides proving existence and uniqueness of the solution in the Ito sense, we also obtain precise Lp estimates for the solution which leads to intermittency properties. Moreover, our results can be generalized to PAM on bounded domains of recurrent metric measure spaces. It covers a large variety of spaces. In particular, our result further clarifies the picture on a near-dichotomy behavior for the energy of the solution discovered by Khoshnevisan et al.