DMS Topology Seminar |
Time: Apr 03, 2024 (01:00 PM) |
Location: 318 Parker Hall |
Details: Speaker: Stu Baldwin (Auburn) Abstract: Let X be a topological space, f:X→X continuous, and let P={Ak:K∈K} be a partition of X into k nonempty disjoint subsets whose union is X (where K is some index set having k elements). If x∈X, then the itinerary of x with respect to f and P is the sequence ⟨in(x):n∈ω⟩ given by in(x)=k iff fn(x)∈Ak (where ω is the set of nonnegative integers). This gives an `itinerary function' i:X→Pω which has been used for many years to study the dynamics of f (i.e., the long term behavior of the functions fn as n gets large). The idea works best if the sets Ak are all closed, which means that various compromises have to be made to use the idea on connected sets. If I is an interval and f:I→I has a `turning point' c in the interior of I (i.e., f is increasing for x<c and decreasing for x>c, or vice versa), one approach is to let L={x:x<c}, M={c}, and R={x:x>c}, and use sequences of the three sets L,M,R (viewed as symbols) to denote the itineraries of points, and deal with the complications caused by L and R not being closed as they arise. Other approaches have included using L′=L∪M and R′=R∪M, leading to ambiguous itineraries, or thinking of M as a `sild-card' that can stand for either L or R. Early on, it was realized that many of the dynamical properties of the map f are coded by the itinerary of the critical point (or the critical value), which is called the kneading sequence. Beginning in the mid-2000's, I have used a different approach in dealing with itineraries. If P={L,M,R] as above, then the quotient topology on P induced by the set of real numbers has L and R as isolated points, with P being the only neighborhood of M. Then i:dom(f)→Pω is continuous in the product topology of Pω. The key was realizing that if f has what I call the unique itinerary property (i.e., i is one-to-one), then the range of i is Hausdorff in the subspace topology generated by Pω, even though Pω is itself obviously not Hausdorff. Allowing X to be a dendrite instead of just an interval allowed this idea to be used to get a model for the dynamics of all quadratic Julia Sets which are also dendrites. Later, similar arguments using infinitely many symbols allowed me to get similar results for some dendroid maps. |