DMS Colloquium: Dr. Ji Li |
Time: Nov 25, 2024 (03:30 PM) |
Location: 250 Parker Hall |
Details: Speaker: Dr. Ji Li (Macquarie University; Sydney, Australia) Title: Schatten properties of Riesz transform commutator in the two weight setting
Abstract. Schatten class estimates of the commutator of Riesz transform in Rn link to the quantised derivative of A. Connes. A general setting for quantised calculus is a spectral triple (A,H,D), which consists of a Hilbert space H, a pre-C∗-algebra A, represented faithfully on H and a self-adjoint operator D acting on H such that every a∈A maps the domain of D into itself and the commutator [D,a]=Da−aD extends from the domain of D to a bounded linear endomorphism of H. Here, the quantised differential \da of a∈A is defined to be the bounded operator i[sgn(D),a], i2=−1.