Message from Dean Giordano - August 11, 2020
To all COSAM faculty, staff, and students,
I sincerely appreciate everyone who participated in my office hours last week. If you have questions or concerns, I encourage you to join me this Wednesday and drop by any time from 10:30 a.m. until noon for my Zoom office hours.
Zoom link for office hours:
Additionally, Auburn Healthcheck is an online tool to help us all reduce the spread of COVID-19. This survey can be found on your AU Access Employee page. Once you enter your mobile telephone, you will be asked questions about your health, and if you need medical attention, you will receive a telephone call to help you with further instructions.
Auburn University has also set-up a new COVID-19 Telephone Hotline: 334-844-6000. Please feel free to share this number with your students to help them get the answers they need to COVID-19 related questions.
COSAM has a designated COVID-19 Specialist for faculty and staff to directly email questions with confidentiality. Contact Stephanie Woodley at
Finally, I would like to thank faculty, staff, and students for all of your hard work to make this fall semester possible. I know that you have put additional hours and effort to help COSAM educate our students, continue our research efforts, and hold opportunities for outreach with our community.
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