Anna Chiafele is an Associate Professor of Italian Studies in the WLLC department. Chiafele has published scholarly articles on Italian writers, such as Luigi Malerba, Massimo Carlotto, Elisabetta Bucciarelli, Ugo Riccarelli, Francesco Aloe and Antonio Scurati. Her articles have appeared in Italica, Quaderni di Italianistica, Rivista di Studi Italiani and Ecozon@. Her monograph Sfumature di giallo nell’opera di Luigi Malerba was published by Rubbettino in 2016. Her most recent interests focus on Italian climate fiction in conjunction with material ecocriticism and discard studies. Together with Canadian writer Lisa Pike, Chiafele published a translation of Italian author Silvana La Spina’s 1998 novel, Penelope (Bordighera Press 2021) which won the 2022 ALTA Italian Prose in Translation Award. Chiafele teaches Italian language and culture courses at all levels.