
Six standing committees conduct the business and work of the Auburn University Chapter: Executive Committee, Membership Committee, Non-Student Membership Committee, Fellowship Committee, Scholarship Awards Committee, and Investment Committee. A Nominating Committee is appointed each Spring semester.

The Executive Committee consists of the officers and the immediate past president of the chapter. The Executive Committee supervises annual and long-range planning of chapter activities, advises and assists chapter officers and committees, has jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the chapter but not provided for in the Chapter Bylaws or in the Society’s Bylaws, and elects delegates to conventions and other meetings of the Society. This committee is charged with the responsibility of appointing members to all standing committees and other committees as are necessary to carry on the total program of the chapter for the year. In the event of the loss of any chapter officer by reason of death, incapacity or resignation, the Executive Committee shall appoint a temporary officer to serve until the election of new officers.

The Membership Committee members are appointed by the Executive Committee and consist of an affiliated Phi Kappa Phi member who is a representative of the Society from each of the academic colleges and schools. Each semester the Membership Committee presents a list of juniors, seniors, and graduate students for selection to membership in the Society. The Membership Committee also selects the outstanding second year and outstanding first professional year students for scholastic recognition.

The Non-Student Membership Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee, is composed of three affiliated members of the Auburn University Chapter who hold staggered terms of office so that one new member is appointed each year, and the eldest in point of service will become the chairman. The Non-Student Membership Committee seeks nominations for non-student members, and it is the duty of this committee to screen and recommend candidates for membership according to the Chapter Bylaws.

The Graduate Fellowship Committee consists of three members appointed each year by the Executive Committee. The Graduate Fellowship Committee reviews the list of newly elected student members and recommends to the chapter the one applicant whom they consider the most worthy of receiving a Phi Kappa Phi fellowship. The Executive Committee is, for this selection, authorized to act for the chapter.

The Scholarship Awards Committee consists of five members appointed by the Executive Committee. All members are appointed for a three-year term. This committee seeks nominations for and recommends candidates to the chapter for scholarship awards including, but not limited to the Susan Stacy Entrenkin Yates Award, Phi Kappa Phi Most Outstanding Senior Award, and the Phi Kappa Phi Current-Garcia Award in the Humanities.

The Investment Committee consists of five members, with the chapter president and chapter vice president for finance serving as two of the members. The Executive Committee appoints the Yates Agent, as required by the Yates Agreement, who shall serve as chair. The remaining two members are appointed each year by the Executive Committee. The Investment Committee manages all chapter fiscal assets. It meets at least once a year and is responsible for issuing reports each semester coinciding with chapter Executive Committee meetings.

A Nominating Committee is appointed at least one month before the regular chapter business meeting held in the Spring Semester of odd-numbered years. The chapter president appoints a committee for the nomination of officers. The Nominating Committee shall recommend a slate of chapter officers to be elected at the Spring Business meeting of the chapter.